art and stuff


is it me?

days mush together under quarantine. i know wednesdays cause of weekly zoom staff meetings. same with tuesday and my favorite yoga class (via zoom now). according to our chore chart, i cook thursday night. and sunday at 5pm, altman family zoom call. otherwise, i can kinda tell by the ease/difficulty of the new york times crossword puzzle. had a streak going (over a month of completed puzzles without any help (!)) until last week. jumped back on thursday, though, and now on a new streak.

not reading books. surprising. but most every book i start pushes me into slog mode instead of joy.

constant over these past weeks: working out with marxe (dancing, yoga, internet workouts with squats and cardio and planks etc), streaming music, missing hockey, youtube zoning, 18:6 eating, colbert, ezgsa work, dinner with the kids, checking the weather to decide which sweater/coat/jacket when walking the dogs. and art.

completed a series of 10 paintings collectively called “is it me?” working title was boobs and butts (you can see why), but most effort spent on the detailed backgrounds. each reps a different yoga pose. can’t put them all in this blog, but go look on the webpage. here are three shots.

maybe make the dining room table next? need a thickness planer and jointer to do it right. which reminds me how much i miss my band saw. can’t purchase those now, though. so i’ll figure something out.

mean time, we keep going, just like everyone else. oh! did fall in love with the storytelling black and white photography of rodney smith (1947-2016). he only used available light. amazing, right?

sun’s out today. makes it easier.